Friday, February 7, 2014

One BIG reason I'm not engaged (at 21)

Lately, there’s been a trend of people writing blogs and posts about why they did or did not get engaged at a young age. For the most part, all these reasons are great. And they work wonderfully for you. But if we really boil it down, there’s (hopefully) one major reason why you are or are not engaged, it’s in your plan. I believe that I’m not engaged or in a relationship simply because it’s not in my plan. I’ve chatted with God a little (a lot) about this, cause believe me it hasn’t been easy, and He’s made it pretty plain that it’ll happen eventually (or it won’t, which I’ll have to be okay with).

But the truth is that why you did or didn’t get engaged young isn’t important. It doesn’t matter to anyone but you. You shouldn’t have to defend yourself, and I think it’s sad that you feel you need to. I’m glad you’re engaged or married, and to those that aren’t, cheers to you too. There are positives and negatives to each lifestyle, and whether someone else gets married young doesn’t affect my decisions about relationships.

Don’t get me wrong, if I could be engaged right now, I probably would. I love the idea of being in a relationship, getting engaged, and being married. But like I said earlier, God and I have chatted about it, and I know I am meant to be single for now. So I’ve learned to appreciate where I am. I love that I have absolutely no idea that I have no idea what I’m going to be doing in a year from now. For all I know, my life could be absolutely different in every way in a year. And that’s exciting for me. I’m not responsible for anyone else. I have nothing tying me down from doing the work that Jesus has called me to. And I love that freedom.

 I guess my whole point is instead of trying to find reasons to justify why we did or didn’t get married or engaged, let’s appreciate where we are. Let’s make the most of it. Single people, take the time to travel, adopt an animal (or a kid… I like to tell people there’s a good chance that I’ll have adopted a kid before I get married), volunteer; focus on becoming who God wants you to be. It’s a wonderful time (believe me, it’s taken a lot for me to get to the point where I can say that).  And those in a relationship, do whatever you guys do. Focus on each other, focus not on why you got together so young, but on what you’re going to do about it. You have what some of us see as a precious gift, so don’t waste it trying to justify to those few haters out there about why you’re together.

Disclaimer- I'm obviously not married or engaged, not have I ever even been in a relationship, so for all I know, everything I'm saying could be completely wrong. I'm not trying to act like I know everything. This is just something I've been thinking about lately. 

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