Wednesday, September 16, 2015

25 Before 25

A few weeks ago, I was spending time with some friends and we were talking about how another friend of ours made a list of 25 things to do before 25. We thought this was a great idea and set out to make our own versions of our lists. Some were 25 before 25, or 30 before 30... Some of us have long amounts of time, while others just have a few months to complete our lists.

We all got a piece of paper and something to write with and began writing. I wrote one thing down, and started on another one, and realized I couldn't think of anything else. I'd have an idea, and then not write it down because it felt unattainable. I didn't want to disappoint myself by not doing it.

I had a few things on my list, and gave up. But I've spent some more time thinking about it, and I do have a few things I'd like to do before I'm 25. So, without further ado, here's my 25 before 25 list:

1) Get a dog
2) Feel more settled (have my own place where I intend on being for longer than a year)
3) Be on Weight Watchers for at least 6 straight months (and hopefully longer after that).
4) Go to Maine
5) Get a tattoo
6) Go on a road trip
7) Climb a high peak
8) Vote (To be real honest, I haven't voted, and that's really extremely sad and embarrassing)
9) Stick to a budget for more than a month
10) Read 100 books
11) Get to the top of a tree climbing rope at camp
12) Finish my Harry Potter sweater (finally)
13) Go on a date
14) Take a month off of social media/smart phone
15) Decide if I want braces, get them if I do
16) RUN a 5k
17) Host a classy party (Hopefully a Christmassy one so I can wear my cute sweater dress)
18) Make a quilt
19) Get connected/involved in a church
20) Go to NYC and enjoy it (last time I went I stayed in my hotel room and read "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (and Other Concerns)" Which is ironic because yes, yes they were).
21) Buy a nice pair of professional shoes that I can wear often (without worrying about the price).
22) Go on a beautiful, wonderful, fantastic trip to somewhere far away.
23) Learn how to cook one dish (rather than baking... I love baking but cooking... not so much).
24) Go on a camping trip with friends
25) Go on a canoe/kayak trip

I tried to put things down so that I could cross them off definitively. Instead of putting things like "get better at blah blah," I tried to put more specific things down. Hopefully I can get them done, but if I don't, I've decided I'll still love myself no matter what... Because this list is not the end of the world, and I made it to challenge myself to have fun and to make the most of life.

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