Monday, December 9, 2013

My Grandmother's Story

My grandmother is an extremely inspiring person. She is beautiful, wonderful and thoughtful. She also has an incredible testimony. My grandma's family were all Jehovah's Witnesses. From a young age, this didn't sit well with my grandmother. She was always asking questions that weren't able to be answered by the people at her church or even her father. One day, when she went to services with her father, she stood up and asked a question. The person leading this study was not able to answer her question. She told her father that if they weren't able to answer her questions, she was not going to return.

Eventually, she had a friend who invited her to go with her to a church down the street, and she wanted so badly to go there. Unfortunately, her father wouldn't let her because she would have to cross the street by herself (she wasn't too old at the time). And so she problem solved. Like many of the women in my family, my grandmother is very stubborn. She says "I teased and teased for him to let me go to that church, and then I realized there was a church on the corner of our  street that I wouldn't have to cross the street to get to. So I teased and teased to go to that church." My grandma told me this weekend that she wasn't much older than sixth grade at this point. She went to that church for a very long time, all alone. I can't imagine keeping my faith alive within a family who doesn't believe what I believe, especially being that young. My grandma is inspiring.

It also amazes me that without this story, I wouldn't be. Without her faith, and her persistence, my incredible cousins, aunts, uncles, mom, family wouldn't be. She probably wouldn't have met my grandpa. So many things would be different. I guess for me, it just puts our decisions into perspective. If you believe something is right and true, stand up for it. Pursue it. Because you never know what it will effect. 

She is also really adorable and very VERY carefully hand-picks every card she sends!

1 comment:

  1. I really like you, I'm pretty sure I would really like your grandmother, and I really like this particular post. that is all :)
