Monday, May 26, 2014

Two Types of People in the World

I've been away from my blog for a while, and for that I apologize (not that any of you feel offended by this absence...). But for what this blog post is going to contain, I just can't apologize for.

Throughout my life, I have developed a theory about people and how they see the world, how they see why the world was created, why we exist on it, why others come into their lives, why they experience things, etc. I've come to know that there are two types of people.

The first are people who see the world only through their eyes. It is somehow ingrained deeply in who they are that they are the only ones who actually exist- that the world was created simply for them to live their lives. That people outside their circles exist, but only to make up statistics that may or may not effect this individual. Please, please, don't get me wrong. Sometimes these people are so nice, and they are pleasant and wonderful. But sometimes, you may be burned by them- and badly.

The second type of person sees that there are billions of people thinking billions of thoughts, each with billions of different circles. This type sees that the world is large, but still believes that somehow, they were put here for a purpose. Being one of these people, it can get discouraging, this big earth, but this type of person also believes that God has orchestrated this large planet with all these beautiful people for a reason and that we get to be one tiny little blip on this massive chart, each with our own poetic story.

Sometimes the second type can fall into believing those beliefs of the first type. This can be so confusing and frankly disappointing when we realize that no, God didn't simply create the whole world for us.

I hope I'm not coming on too strong, or saying this hurtfully. It's simply how I have come to learn what people believe. And honestly, the word "believe" is almost too light for what I'm trying to describe to you. 

Also please know that I don't think the first type can't change, that they can't someday come to realize that all the 7.165 billion people on this planet have thoughts and lives outside their own. I think that's completely possible.

But what's funny about this whole thing is that while you may think I identify with only the second type, I am somewhat first typed.... I realized that this week when I was with my grandma. I realized that to me, I don't realize that she has lives outside of when I'm there, or the stories I hear from my aunt, cousin, and mother. She lives in her house everyday. Spends most of her time alone, in her small house that's filled with things that remind her that her house wasn't always empty. I can't get over the fact that I somehow convinced myself that she doesn't spend the same amount of time I do, just simply living.... and that's the way some people see every single person they've never met.

I'm sure this sounds like such random rambling... But let me leave you with this reminder: There are approximately 7.165 BILLION people on this Earth. That means that there are 7.165 billion people breathing right now. There are 7.165 billion people and this earth was created for them just as much as it was created for you, for me. There are 7.165 billion people on this planet we call home and God knows and loves each one of them and waits for the day that they cry out to Him so that He can come to their rescue. 

I hope we never ever again believe that we're alone.

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